Guidelines for podium and poster presenters
Podium Presentations
- Each regular presentation will be allocated a 20 minute slot. Actual presentations must not exceed 15 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for questions and changeover.
- For presentations, we have a standard PC with the latest versions of PowerPoint and Adobe Reader. Please contact the organizers if you have any audio-visual needs beyond these. We must have your presentations in full by Wednesday 8th so it can be uploaded and checked in advance of your session.
Poster Presentations
- Poster display: the poster size should be A0 Portrait (1189mm height, 841mm width). Posters should be in place for the poster session on the designated day, however, by remaining on display for the whole day they will attract more readers. Materials for mounting the posters will be supplied.
- Posters Presentations do NOT have to be submitted in advance of the MIUA 2015 meeting in July.